
Afternoon Tug

Really, this is what goes on at Nuggets games? Listen in; the announcer's take is priceless.

Brian Westbrook not 100%. Look for Donovan to throw the ball 60 times on Sunday. (Complete Sarcasm We Hope)

Flyers unveil their new Retro Orange Third Jerseys...Nice!

One team the Sixers don't have to worry about this year is the Wizards. They Stank!!!

TV Tonight---Please don't waste one minute of your time watching the Steelers/Bengals tonight. Instead kick back and watch the best show on TV for the last 4 years, The Office,(Shouts out to Scranton) Then please check out one of the most intriguing shows I've seen in awhile at 10 on ABC, Life On Mars. I won't let you down.

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